Monday, June 18, 2007


When I was writing this book, I knew that not only would it be a best-seller
because of its contents, but I also knew most people who follow a religion
would be repelled at what they read.

When I told a friend the title of the book, he corrected me and said, “You
mean ‘If God Could Speak What Would He Say?” My response was that
God is both male and female. Sure, when we talk about the Creator we
always use the pronoun “He” because it is easy, especially easier than
saying “He/She.” The male part of God is the knowledge and wisdom, and
the female part is emotion. Sometimes this female part is referred to as
“Mother Nature.”

How would one describe God in a physical form? When I asked this question, many of the responses were the same. God is an old man with a long white beard who wears a white robe. I cannot comprehend where this description originated. God does not exist in physical form on the “other side,” when and if He/She does appear. The presence is known by all spirits as a purplish cloud or smoke. Purple is the color of this Universe and that is why it is the color of spirituality and healing.

Was there an Adam and Eve? The Bible states that Adam was the first man
on Earth and that Eve was created from a rib from Adam’s body. I must
refute this, for like much of the Bible, the Koran, the sutras of Lord
Buddha, the Torah, they are all based on stories told, stories which were
added to and changed time and time again. But there are many parables in
these holy books. For example, in the case of Adam and Eve, Adam is the
male part of God and Eve is the female part of God. Cain and Abel
represent good and evil.

I had often wondered why Mary, of all young women at that time, was the
one chosen to bear the Christ. I was told that Mary is the female part of
God. Did she know this? Not at the beginning. But it does make sense that
God should be the one to bear the Christ. And Jesus was very attached to
his mother. The mother of Lord Buddha was the same - Mary. I would not
be surprised if Mary was the mother of all of the Four Messengers.

At the back of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City is a small chapel
named “Our Lady Chapel.” I am told that the statue depicting Mary is the
closest to what she actually looked like. Obviously, the sculptor was given
“divine inspiration.” I often go to this chapel, and not because there I can
communicate with Mary. It is the most serene place I have ever experienced.
A feeling of such incredible calm takes over me. I have taken just one friend when I visited this chapel. She also felt peace sitting there, staring at the statue of Mary.

For me, the “immaculate conception” is a fact! Of course, Mary had other
children, but they were sired by Joseph. I have read the Bible in its entirety,
and I can irrevocably state that almost all portions relating to the Christ are the truth. Another chapter of this book will be entirely devoted to Jesus Christ, and it will contain all the information I received from Jesus directly.

Everything in this world is either male or female in gender. Why then is it
so difficult to accept that the Creator of everything is both? Could it be that
this world is “male dominated?” Why in some societies is the female treated like a second-class citizen? Who decided that the male should dominate the female? I believe that this concept of man being better than women goes back to the belief that a man was the first of our race on this planet. Since it was told in the Bible that Eve came from Adam, this is further proof that leads to discrimination among the sexes.

Men and women are to be equal in the sight of God; rich and poor are equal, smart and stupid are equal. But for every plus there is a minus. For black there is white, for up there is down, for fat there is thin. This is the balance of our universe, but when it comes to mankind, each person is equal. Sure, some people have more advantages than others and this alone separates people. But, one result of the Shift will be that all those who survive and remain on Earth will know that each of them is the same as all others. No one is better than anyone else, and that we all have the same goal: to help create a paradise on Earth which is God’s Will.

Whenever someone asks to talk to my “guide,” that person does not know the identity of this entity. I have been very selective as to who I have told that my guide is the Creator. After one reading, a person asked me, “Blake, why does your guide use the pronoun “We” instead of “I.” To answer this I would need to reveal the identity, which I will not do. Mankind must understand that God is a “collective group,” not one “spirit.” This is another reason I refer to God as “He/She.”

1 comment:

Hountingwolf said...

Hiya Blake again,

these four chapters are very very intersting, and like I said before, I agree with you in the most of it. There are some points, which I will research in my innerself to find the answer.

Thank you for this so far very uplifting book.

Big hugs and Love
Tonya Hountingwolf